Pottery studio fired clay handicrafts unique design Skulj Andreja business gifts pottery workshops home and artistic crafts gifts Andreja Skulj bobbin lace unique gifts Skulj studio                                  
Bobbin lace bowls (small and miniature)Shepherd’s fleaCribsBowl with a nutcrackerFour-leaf cloverHouse blessingRough bowlAngelsA bowl with cheese
KittenFour-piece candlestickBobbin lace in a frame made of fired clayWall relief “our family”House numberPiglets of luckBobbin lace on a fired clay plateWall reliefs with various motifsHoly angel prayer
Bird houseBowl for saltHotel for garden insectsBowls and wall reliefs with various motifs on customer requestBird feeders for fat cakes – Design of this product is protected at The Slovenial Intellectual Property Office under the number M-201350088Buttons for luckFamily piggy bankWindow reliefsTable lamp